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1996 -2005

Between 1996 and 2005, Ecuador went through a period of political, economic, and social instability, the government involved in corruption scandals, misuse of funds, and abuse of authority caused the popular uprising and social protests throughout the country, clashes of the citizens against the public force caused deaths, injuries and the overthrow of three presidents in a row. Although each president was democratically elected during the official voting, none ended his official term and for 9 years Ecuador had 7 presidents among officers and interim. This video 1996 -2005 (04:03 min), is a criticism not only of these years of political instability and repression of social protest but it is also a reminder that we are the citizens who choose the rulers and despite the fact that we have the right to protest and to manifest ourselves if the rulers harm the nation, it is our responsibility also to choose politicians who represent us wisely during the elections.


Inspired by the work of the artist Bill Morrison and Martin Arnold I decided to make my video with scenes or fragments of videos recorded by someone else, in my case I used chronological scenes of news that transmitted the overthrow of the three presidents to whom I refer. Then I modified its aesthetics by editing the duration of the video by accelerating it or making it slower. The repetition of some scenes helped reinforce the message I want to show. Finally, I amalgamate everything with ink scenes referring to the fragility of collective memory over time.


1996 - 2005 (04:03 min) is a documentary - experimental testimony that shows a short cycle of fights, violence, and disagreement for almost a decade between politicians and citizens, where it seems that after many years we continue to apply the same recipe today, in a country where the same political actors of that decade are still elected and govern in Ecuador, and citizens continue to protest in the streets.

2020© Praha, Czech Republik.

Chinese ship's crew captured in Galapagos condemned


Ecuador's justice system on Sunday sentenced the crew of a Chinese cargo vessel captured in the Galapagos marine reserve with more than 6,000 sharks, some of them protected species, to up to four years in prison and a million-dollar fine.

Video: Juan Cevallos and AFP


5 personas cuentan sus historias relacionadas al proceso de donación de órganos y trasplantes. Raúl, esposo de Martha Cecilia Coronel es donante de órganos. Jorge Anibal Mendez Yandun es abogado. Wladimir Espin quiere jugar fútbol con sus hijos. Cristian Collaguazon necesita un nuevo órgano. Y Alejita Vega espera ansiosamente el nacimiento de su hija.

Gracias a todos y todas los que hicieron posible este proyecto: Anturio FloristeríaEugenia EcheverriaFundación Pro SonrisaFundación Unidos SOMOS CristianIcing Sweet Bar.

Con la referencia técnica del Indot y Ministerio de Salud Publica del Ecuador.


Juan David Cevallos
Diego Del Corral Gonzalez

Mezcla y Masterización de Audio
René Idrovo

Música Original
Alejandro Del Pozo F
Juan Fernando Duque Martínez
Agustín Carrión
Felipe Proaño Ramadan
Adri Guerrera
Ivancho Escovilla

Música Adicional

Mezcla de Audio Adicional
Pablo Vicencio

Sara Moncayo Bravo

Fotografía Fija
Juan David Cevallos

Fotografía Fija Adicional
Carlos David Jaramillo

Edición & Color
Diego Del Corral Gonzalez

2019© Quito, Ecuador.

Ecuador's thriving indigenous

fashion industry


Anacos, sashes and hand-embroidered blouses make their way onto the catwalks of Ecuador in the hands of a flourishing indigenous fashion industry that fuses the western with the ancestral.

Video: Juan Cevallos and AFP

The hole


Experimental Video

Video: Juan Cevallos FAMU 2022.

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