Juan Cevallos - Photographer

Juan Cevallos
I am a photographer from Ecuador who currently resides in Prague, Czech Republic. After a decade of experience working for both national and international photographic agencies in Quito, I decided to step back from the world of press photography. My goal was to understand photography from a different perspective, which led me to begin my studies at the Prague School of Art (FAMU).
During my time at FAMU, I focused on creating works incorporating an experimental visual language, seeking to play with and reinterpret the autonomy of modern photographic devices. I firmly believe in the importance of subverting the authority of the camera and automated processes in image creation. This involves a reinterpretation of the role of photographers in the era of mass photographic production and a constant search for freedom.
To achieve this, I have used modified cameras, photographic materials, and printing processes alternative to traditional methods. My goal has been to create unique and irreproducible works, constantly exploring the image and the photographic object.
This exploration has allowed me to hold exhibitions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. These experiences have expanded my visual language and reinforced my previous knowledge, providing me with the flexibility to work in various fields of photography.
Work Experience:
Photographer - Česko - Ekádorká Spoluprace.
Praha - Czech Republik Dicember 2018 - Until now
Photographer STR at The Honorary Consulate of Ecuador in the Czech Republic.
Praha - Czech Republik January 2019 - February 2022
Photographer STR at Agency France Press (AFP), Quito - Ecuador
September 2010 – August 2017
Head of the photography department at the Independent press agency
(API), Quito - Ecuador.
December 2007 – August 2017
Master program In Photography.
FAMU, Praha - Czech Republic. October 2020 – 2022.
Bachelor’s degree In Photography.
FAMU, Praha - Czech Republic. October 2017 – September 2020.
Study of music in the contemporary music institute (Drums).
San Francisco University, Quito - Ecuador July 2004 – July 2006
Bachelor, Universidad del Mar, Advertising and Design
Quito - Ecuador September 2001 – September 2004.
Curator of the exhibition - Artomata, Tibet Open House gallery, August 3th, Praha - 2022
Exhibition - Odstavec v glyfech / Paragraph in glyphs, Kampus Hybernská Gallery, June 5th, Prague - 2022.
Art Auction for Freedom-boxes. Prague Czech Republik April 22th, 2022,.
Publication by Tied to the Light Collective - Becoming. Juan Cevallos. April 19th, 2022.
Publication by Diario el Comercio - Latente. Juan Cevallos February 13th, 2022.
Exhibition - We are fucked up, but don’t panic. Juan Cevallos with cooperation with Mike Ma, and various artists. Gallery - Prostor Olga Bubahof | , 24th February 2022.
Exhibition – Waste of Time. Juan Cevallos and various artists. 10 Seconds Instagram Photos – Instalation. Gallery – NGO DEI, Prague, Czech Republik, 21th January, 2022
Publication by Alternative Processes - Memorabilia. Juan Cevallos. January 23th, 2022.
Exhibition - A New View of Matter, Juan Cevallos and various artists - Poster. FAMU panel Gallery - , Prague - Czech Republik. January 6th, 2022.
Exhibition – Touch Starved, Juan Cevallos and Karolina Prom. Photo Series – Performance. Gallery: La minima - Valencia, España, Dicember, 9th, 2021.
Exhibition – Erotixx. Juan Cevallos and various artists. My Porn Film – Photograph instalation. Prague Dicember 6th, 2021.
Art Auction – Tibet Open House (Anual Auction) . Until it Disappier – Photograph- Dicember 3th 2021. Prague, Czech Republik.
Publication by Commons - Distance. Juan Cevallos, Loretta Lau and Jakub Zajícek. November 11th, 2021.
Publication by Blesk.cz - Untill it Disappears. Juan Cevallos November 12, 2021.
Solo Exhibition - Untill It Desappears. Juan Cevallos. Concrete Prints - Photo series – Multipinhole Camera. Gallery Tibet Open House, Prague, Czech Republic, October 13th, 2021.
Exhibition – Interlude. Juan Cevallos and various artists. Photo Series - Gallery of Scenography - Lviv, Ucranie, 1th September - 17th, 2021.
Exhibition – FAMU Klauzura. Juan Cevallos and various artists. Chemicals tells it own Story – Chemigrams series. Gallery NGO DEI.
Exhibition - Kukurice, symbol kultury Latinské Ameriky. Juan Cevallos and various artists. God of Corn – Photogram and paint. Gallery - Náprstkovo Muzeum Asijských, Afrických A Amerických Kultur, Národní muzeum, Praha, Czech Republik. 5th September 2020.
Publication by Seznam.cz - Genocida exhibition. 10 December 2020
Exhibition – Genocide. Juan Cevallos in cooperation with Proyecto Silenciadas (silenciadasproject.com) Agencia Prensa Independiente, (apifoto.ec) and various artists ; The Real Virus – Metal Prints. Gallery Tibet Open House. Prague, Czech Republic. 10th december 2020.
Exhibition – Genocide. Juan Cevallos and various artists. Eyeless Series – Multipinhole Camera. Tibet Open House. Prague, Czech Republic. 10th december 2020.
Exhibition - City VS Quarantine, Juan Cevallos and Various Autors. Gallery - Powder Tower, Kyiv, UKraine, October 2020
Exhibition - BC. FINAL PHOTO FAMU – Juan Cevallos and various artists. Back to Abnormality Series – . Camera Obscura Photogramphy. Praha Cyech Republik. September 27th, 2020.
Exhibition - Konfese/Confession; Juan Cevallos and Loretta Lau; GALERIE NTK - Národní technická knihovna, Praha Czech Republik, 26th August 2020 - 27th September 2020.
Exhibition - Duvod procházky; Juan Cevallos and various artists. Vzdelávací a kulturní centrum Klášter Broumov, Broumov; Czech Republik, May 15, 2019