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Anatomy of Non-Photographic Images
(Paragraph in Glyphs - Exhibition)

Photographic images, in general, have been transformed into data and computational language that we share through communication platforms and mobile applications, little by little photography has abandoned the physical world, as a consequence, some classic photographic material companies have closed their businesses or have gone bankrupt. In this context this project was made with expired photographic paper produced by a company that has disappeared; the purpose is to explore my desire to create images without a photographic gaze, concentrating fully on the reaction of photographic paper to light and chemicals. These experimental processes move away from representational imagery, and through the misuse of photographic materials, I seek to destroy in order to create something new, letting the photographic paper be reborn before our eyes as a work with an irreproducible character and full of experimental visual language. This project also seeks to emphasize the reconsideration of the functionality and materiality of photographic paper away from traditional methods to create something completely new.

Artis: Juan Cevallos

Format: Photographic paper - 120 x 90 cm / Photograms and Book 

Gallery: Kampus Hybernská - Praha - June 2022.

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