Juan Cevallos - Photographer
The project aims to examine experimental photography's capacity to represent, reveal, and make us understand the experience of horrors and atrocities of war. In particular, the project's aim is to reuse and repurpose Nazi propaganda photographs depicting life in the Terezín ghetto to subvert their propagandistic meanings. These images are charged with ambivalence. As such, the project intends to use them as a filter and critical mediator between the propagandistic distortion and the real horrors of life in the Terezín ghetto. Former propaganda photographs thus will be used as a physical-optical element for creating new experimental representation (multi-pinhole perspective, cameraless techniques) of what inmates depicted on photos could see at the moment they were photographed. In this way, the project seeks to capture and deconstruct Nazi representations of the Terezín ghetto with multiple layers of information that make a place incongruous to the Nazi discourse.
Format: Multipinhole Camera / Photographic paper
A1 (84.1 x 59.4 cm)
Praha - Tibet Open House